Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This is appropriate, I think.

"I've noticed that winter has a feeling of its own.

It came from looking out of the passenger-side window while the black silhouettes of pine trees soared by and the spread of stars in the clearest of midnight sky stayed stationary behind them. All at once, as if I were hovering over those trees, I felt the mystery of cold.
It's being out at night and seeing everything so clearly because even the air becomes more pure and crisp. It's seeing your breath against a dark navy background, a kiss on the cheek that warms your entire being. It's feeling the sting of the wind on your face, and still insisting on staying outside.

As I look at those trees and their midnight companion, every thought and memory of past seasons comes rushing back. Every shade of blue and gray, every time my fingers would tingle from the change of numb to fireplace, every sound, every smell. All of these things exist in the season that chills us most, yet still bring their own indescribable warmth. Winter's feeling itself is just that, indescribable. Too many aspects, too many images, and too many sensations enter my mind in one second of thinking of winter to possibly be described in full bloom.

I am ready to wake up to cold mornings where the sun shining from window to carpet is my means of warming cold toes."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lessons Learned and Re-Learned

Recently, my life has gone topsy-tervy. To say the least...

1: I have learned that sometimes the story is so long and overwhelming that it is impossible to tell... but that's ok.

2: Some people are so precious to us that we cannot stay away from them even if we try... and that's ok, too.

3: God knows my heartaches and concerns. He hears and understands every sigh and every confused thought. He is the one being that I will never have to worry about telling my long, overwhelming story to. He already knows. And he already has everything figured out.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wonderful, beautiful, amazing people.

Yesterday was my twenty-first Birthday. "WOOO-HOOO!!" right?

And the very best part was realizing that I have had the pleasure of knowing and loving some wonderful, beautiful, amazing people. Sometimes I realize just how hopelessly scattered they all are and have a mini heart attack... and then things like Birthdays happen, and I realize that even though all of these beautiful people seem to continue farther and farther away in all directions, they are really all still right here... sort of... and even if some of them will be gone for a very, very long time, or even forever, they have made each stage in my life spectacular in their own ways. Thank you, God, for my wonderful, beautiful, amazing friends. Old and new.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I always said I'd never start a blog. Look at me now!

In one of my favorite movies, Meg Ryan's character says, "I don’t really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

I guess my whole purpose for creating a blog is to do just that. I want to be able to write what's on my mind to whomever may happen upon reading and it with no expectation of getting anything in return. I guess I'm writing mainly for me. And also because journaling has become more difficult. (I mean, who has the time to pick up a pen and write these days, anyway?)

One of my professors once told me that sometimes you don't know what you think until you write it down. Or in this case, type it. So, let's see what I think...