Sunday, March 14, 2010

Letting Go

God is teaching me how to let go. I don't know why it's taken me so long to admit it, but I haven't gone without a fight.

I really thought I understood what it meant to completely give God control, but now I'm realizing that sometimes letting go means having your life and future all figured out and in order and then being asked to give all that up... everything you've known and loved most... and not only that, sometimes it means trusting God with the people you love and admitting that they ultimately belong to him, not you. It can mean confusion, guilt, heartache, tears, loss of sleep, and fear. But always, it means the promise of complete peace. I can trust God in theory, but can I do what he asks when he asks it, regardless of how painful and scary it seems?

"... give in to Me and My perfect plan for you, knowing that I only desire the very best for you."

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